Database editing

Revamp Your Data at the Core to Mirror the Full Demo Effectively

Demostack is introducing a cutting-edge feature that revolutionizes data editing for our users.
We developed a unique mechanism that enables mimicking the app's database which simply visualizes the data for our builders to edit.

What is a database? 

A database is like a digital filing cabinet where information is stored and organized. Think of it as a collection of tables, like spreadsheets, that hold data. The objects within a database are structured entities that store and manage data.
These objects possess defined qualities and are manipulated based on specific actions and events.

For example, tables store the actual information, and columns within those tables describe the kind of data stored (like names/years/types). It’s all about keeping information safe, organized, and easy to access.

Now, users can edit data at its core, directly influencing these objects. This capability allows for a more cohesive narrative, ensuring that all updates reflect the desired story. Making a change in one place will automatically apply it throughout the dataset.

How does it work?

On each clone-based demo, we dynamically generate all the necessary database tables in the background. Builder can view all the database tables from the new "database generator" tool on the managers. Each table will be presented separately as a tile in the manager. The names on the tiles are generated with AI according to their content so it will reflect the objects within it.
This intuitive layout simplifies the process of managing and editing data, providing users with enhanced control and efficiency in storytelling within their demos.

The objects in the database are sharing sometimes the same data category between different tables (ex: name of driver, emails, address, etc.).  With a simple edit of the cell/ column (data category) builders will be able to change data across the demo in the right context.

For example:
In a product that is renting cars, there is a database table that represents details about car models, colors, years, types, and rental driver's license numbers.

Apply edits: 

You can apply edits to individual cells or entire columns, each affecting the demo in different ways:

Objects table (Tiles manager):
Tables name change - All the objects tables tiles are AI-generated to help clarify content.
To rename a table, go to Database Manager > Select the tile > Click on the table's name at the top > Edit inline.
Hide objects table -Want to hide a table? Go to Database Manager > Hover over the tile > Click the More actions icon > Select Hide.
Show objects table - To bring back a hidden table, go to Database Manager > Use the top filter > Uncheck it from the list.

A single value edit (cell): 
Just click on the text in a cell to manually edit it. Your changes will automatically apply across all tables with the same value, category, and key.

Data category (Column):
Change all category's values with one click:
- AI prompt: Describe the change you want, and AI will generate the new values. Go to Column header > More actions > Generate values with AI.
- Demostack functions: Use built-in tools to update the entire column. Go to Column header > More actions > Data functions > Pick a function.

📝 Edits visual indications: 

- Edited cells light up in purple.
- The object icon turns purple if you edit any cell in the row.
- The table footer shows how many values and objects have been edited.
- Tables with edits will have an indicator on their tile in the manager.

Edit data base from inspect mode:

Not sure which table to edit? Use Inspect Mode to find the right one:

Inspect Mode: Click on the element > Click the More actions icon > Choose "Database editing" > The Database Manager opens, showing only the relevant tables.