Demostack Speaker Notes

Enhance your demos with Demostack's Speaker Notes, which allows the creation, customization, and viewing of script reminders to ensure effective and personalized presentations.

The Value of Speaker Notes in Demostack

In the dynamic world of demo presentations, having all the necessary tools to deliver a compelling and personalized narrative is essential. Demostack's Speaker Notes feature enhances your presentation experience by allowing you to attach guidance or script reminders to each demo. These private cue cards ensure you stay on track and deliver your message effectively, without being visible to your audience.

Feature Overview

  • Cross-Platform Creation: Create speaker notes in both the web and desktop applications of Demostack.
  • Desktop App Presentation: Speaker notes are accessible only through the desktop application's dedicated speaker panel, ensuring easy access during your demo.

Permissions and Access

  • Cross-Platform Creation: Create speaker notes using both Demostack's web and desktop platforms.
  • Desktop-Exclusive Presentation: Speaker notes are viewable exclusively in the desktop app through a dedicated speaker panel for streamlined presentations.
  • Admin and Editor Permissions: These roles can add speaker notes to tours and demo assets, enhancing content delivery.
  • Notes Customization Per Presentation: Admins, Editors, and Presenters can tailor presentation-level notes, ensuring relevance without altering original asset-level notes.

How to Add Notes

  • Navigate to Demo or Tour: Begin by accessing the info page of the demo or tour you're working on.
  • Access Speaker Notes Tab: Locate and select the "Speaker Notes" tab to proceed.
  • Enter Your Notes: In the text input field provided, type in your desired notes. Once completed, make sure to save your entries.

Utilizing Notes in Playbooks

Playbooks, which are compilations of multiple assets, inherit the speaker notes from their components. Like individual demos and tours, playbook presentations permit the customization of speaker notes, enabling presenters to adapt their narrative to the audience.

Viewing Speaker Notes: A Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Launch Demostack: Open the Demostack desktop application.
  2. Select Your Demo: Navigate to a demo or Playbook with speaker notes.
  3. Initiate the Demo: Click "Give a Demo" to start the presentation setup.
  4. Customize Notes (Optional): In the pre-presentation customization window, choose the "Customize" section and the "Notes" tab to view, edit, and save your notes per presentation.
  5. Access Speaker Panel: During the presentation, open the speaker panel by clicking its icon in the top right corner, next to the URL input field. This panel is exclusive to the presenter.
  6. View Your Notes: Within the speaker panel, go to the "Speaker Notes" section to see your notes. For playbook presentations, the notes will change to correspond with the current asset.

Adding speaker notes:



Presenting with speaker notes:



With Demostack's Speaker Notes, you're not merely delivering a presentation; you're weaving a story with confidence and precision, supported by personalized reminders and cues. This feature not only makes your demos impactful but also ensures they resonate with your audience in a uniquely engaging manner.